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Business Coaching - Mentoring - Consulting

About Peter

Owner of Calia Hair Salon +

Salon Business Coach

Peter is the owner and custodian of quality and service at Calia Hair, a prestigious award winning salon located in North Toronto. With over 24 years of experience, his establishment is synonymous with excellence, offering clients an experience that transcends mere styling. Peter is also a distinguished business coach, empowering salons to elevate their revenue and streamline their operations with a keen emphasis on financial acumen. His entrepreneurial spirit gave rise to Salon Smartz, an independent consulting and coaching venture that offers invaluable guidance to those seeking to navigate the complex terrain of the beauty and personal care industry in Canada and in the U.S.


Calia Hair: Celebrating Our Top Choice Award for Best Salon in Toronto 2023 and 2024, Fueled by My Coaching Expertise!

Schedule your 30-minute complimentary discovery call with us, during which we can delve into your coaching program needs.

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